Saturday, January 5, 2013

Table Number Wobbly

Table No. 21

Cast: Rajeev Khandelwal, Tena Desae, Paresh Rawal, and a man who just won't speak
Direction: Aditya Datt

A financially distressed couple wins a jackpot holiday to Fiji, they get so excited with all the unexpected luxury that they lose their minds and find themselves in trouble when a resort owner invites them to play the randomest game ever on the face of the earth and they find nothing odd in it.
The nice part about this movie is that it doesn't stretch into the third hour. The sad part is that it is a movie in the first place.
Vivaan (Rajeev Khandelwal) and Siya (Tena Desae) are holidaying pretty in Fiji when they learn of a surprise lunch at an exotic resort as part of their package. The resort's owner Khan (poor Paresh Rawal) invites them to play a game that will go live on his website that is apparently very popular and keeps getting a million hits just like that. And because our lead actors are so smart, they just don't think it important to consider shady secrets of the game - what's the name of the website? Where do you get that crazy amount of money to hand over to your winners? WHAT'S YOUR REAL PROFESSION, BOSS? Because hey, there is an insane number of crores to be won. In a game that has no sponsors, only the resort owner, his mute assistant, and a handful of resort staff. Also, Khan has a very weird hairstyle; some sort of snake on his head. Mental side-effects of hosting such a crazy game, maybe.
What starts as a fun game turns into living hell when our innocent participants realize post intermission that their host is some sort of lunatic, because that was totally not evident to us already. Eight childish Roadiesesque tasks and countless cheap imitations of The Hunger Games later, we also get a social message in the end that has us in tears - because we can't stand the film any more.
Boring and sloppy, this film doesn't even have performances to boast of. Rajeev Khandelwal looks bored. Tena Desae looks as fresh as she did in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and that's the best compliment one can give her. As for Paresh Rawal, as an ardent fan I can only say, "Oh My God!"

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